Aeropuerto Internacional en Río Hato
lunes, 27 de junio de 2011
Sunwing Airlines interesada en volar al nuevo aeropuerto de Río Hato
Sunwing forma parte de la empresa TUI, la operadora turística más grande del mundo, que actualmente opera el Royalton Resort Playa Blanca, cerca del futuro aeropuerto internacional de Río Hato en la provincia de Coclé, precisó una declaración enviada a HORA CERO.
En carta enviada al presidente de la República, Ricardo Martinelli, el CEO y presidente de Sunwing Travel Group, Stephen Hunter, dijo estar "muy entusiasmado" al enterarse de la nueva propuesta del Gobierno de construir el nuevo aeropuerto en Río Hato.
El señor Hunter agregó en su misiva al mandatario que: "Sunwing está comprometido con incrementar su servicio a Panamá a través del desarrollo de este nuevo aeropuerto con el arribo de más charters Sunwing".
El Gobierno decidió construir el aeropuerto internacional en Río Hato, debido a que en ese lugar se encuentra el mayor inventario de cuartos de hoteles del interior del país, especializados en producto de playa, que es lo que buscan estos operadores.
Este proyecto distribuirá riqueza en ese sector con la construcción de más proyectos hoteleros, la generación de empleos directos e indirectos y un mayor impulso del turismo en provincias centrales.
jueves, 22 de julio de 2010
Will Panama Have a New International Airport in the Interior?
There has been many talks about adding an international aiport in the interior of Panama. Initially hotel operators and resort developers had approached the heads of state to rehabilitate the already built but not active airport in Rio Hato. This airport which has the capacity to accommodate large jetliners would be an ideal location for international flights to service since it would be very close to many beach resorts including Playa Blanca beach resort, Decameron Hotel and Casino, Buenaventura among others. This aiport is located at approximately 2 hours car ride from the city but it would be an ideal location for international flights, thus allowing visitors to arrive panama and be in the beaches or playing golf in no time.
One of the issues that has kept this airport from being facilitated is the fact that the management at these resorts does not actually wish to have the airport built right over their resorts, thus causing too much noise. Together they have been studying possibilities of other areas to locate an international airport in the interior of Panama. One ideal area would be in the Cocle Region which includes two potential areas, one being Anton the other Penonome.
In a recent article published in El Siglo mentions that hotel operators in the area are asking government officials to rehabilitate the airport in Rio Hato but they also talk about the possibilities of rehabilitating other airports close by such as is the case in Penonome or Anton. This would mean that these areas would receive and additional influx of tourists to these areas which hold many interesting tourist attractions as well as investment opportunities. The region of Cocle offers very rich and fertile land which represents a great attraction for farmer and cattle raising. Some great cattle farms are available in these areas of Cocle such as this 66 Hectare farm in La Martillada complete with great pastures, water tanks and river running through the property which you can view here: Cattle Farm or others located in the area of El Valle de Anton at 990 meters above sea level Las Minas , these areas have some very beautiful farms for all types of investors, some with large rivers full of Sargento fish or Tilapias.
The rehabilitation of an international aiport in the Cocle Region in Penonome or Anton would be a great addition to this country. Not only would it be a great access for foreigners wishing to visit the beach areas of Farallon but it would bring more tourists and investors further towards the Costa Rica border and expose the Cocle Region to many visitors.
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Will Panama Have a New International Airport in the Interior?
There has been many talks about adding an international aiport in the interior of Panama. Initially hotel operators and resort developers had approached the heads of state to rehabilitate the already built but not active airport in Rio Hato. This airport which has the capacity to accommodate large jetliners would be an ideal location for international flights to service since it would be very close to many beach resorts including Playa Blanca beach resort, Decameron Hotel and Casino, Buenaventura among others. This aiport is located at approximately 2 hours car ride from the city but it would be an ideal location for international flights, thus allowing visitors to arrive panama and be in the beaches or playing golf in no time.
One of the issues that has kept this airport from being facilitated is the fact that the management at these resorts does not actually wish to have the airport built right over their resorts, thus causing too much noise. Together they have been studying possibilities of other areas to locate an international airport in the interior of Panama. One ideal area would be in the Cocle Region which includes two potential areas, one being Anton the other Penonome.
In a recent article published in El Siglo mentions that hotel operators in the area are asking government officials to rehabilitate the airport in Rio Hato but they also talk about the possibilities of rehabilitating other airports close by such as is the case in Penonome or Anton. This would mean that these areas would receive and additional influx of tourists to these areas which hold many interesting tourist attractions as well as investment opportunities. The region of Cocle offers very rich and fertile land which represents a great attraction for farmer and cattle raising. Some great cattle farms are available in these areas of Cocle such as this 66 Hectare farm in La Martillada complete with great pastures, water tanks and river running through the property which you can view here: Cattle Farm or others located in the area of El Valle de Anton at 990 meters above sea level Las Minas , these areas have some very beautiful farms for all types of investors, some with large rivers full of Sargento fish or Tilapias.
The rehabilitation of an international aiport in the Cocle Region in Penonome or Anton would be a great addition to this country. Not only would it be a great access for foreigners wishing to visit the beach areas of Farallon but it would bring more tourists and investors further towards the Costa Rica border and expose the Cocle Region to many visitors.
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Aeropuerto de Río Hato es la mejor opción
Guardia lleva tiempo sustentando su argumentación de que descalificar la propuesta de adecuar Río Hato para convertirlo en aeropuerto internacional responde más que nada a la intensión de algunos de producir un gran negocio privado. Y es que aunque el Aeropuerto lleva unos 40 años sin ser utilizado, resulta mucho más económico y viable para el país reutilizarlo, y las razones son varias.
Si se toma en consideración que el gran atractivo de las provincias centrales son las playas, la mejor ubicación es sin duda la de Río Hato, porque según afirmó el aviador, acerca a los visitantes al área verdaderamente turística, no así Penonomé y Aguadulce que lo alejarían de los polos de atractivo que representan las playas del Pacífico.
Tanto o más importante que esto son los estudios previos, necesarios para poder construir un aeropuerto bajo los estándares internacionales de nuestros tiempos. Se trata de estudios de meteorología, de suelo, de impacto ambiental y de vientos, entre otros. Estos últimos, según las últimas regulaciones deben extenderse por periodos no menores a los 5 años, con lo que estaríamos hablando de una construcción que bajo ningún concepto podría hacerse en menos de este tiempo.
“Río Hato ya está hecho, ya se hicieron los estudios, hay que adecuarlo nada más. Me causa hilaridad cuando escucho decir que vamos a hacer el aeropuerto en dos años o en dos años y medio. Yo he sostenido que eso se puede hacer en ese tiempo si es en Río Hato, pero en cualquier otro lugar va a tomar al menos 5 ó 7 años... si es que lo vamos a hacer seriamente y cumpliendo con las regulaciones internacionales”, acotó el ex funcionario.
En este punto hay que escoger lo que más conviene al país, no lo que más convenga a los intereses personales de un grupo de empresarios, porque hay que estar claros que no porque Panamá decida construir un aeropuerto internacional en provincias centrales las líneas aéreas importantes del mundo van a utilizarlo. Tal como ha ocurrido en otros aeropuertos, incluido el de Tocumen, su demanda se irá incrementando con el tiempo, porque es muy probable que en los primeros meses haya un vuelo cada treinta días, hasta que lleguemos a uno por semana y así hasta lograr una mayor afluencia de aeronaves, aunque lo más seguro es que el mismo sólo llegue a recibir avionetas.
Río Hato, concluyó Zósimo Guardia, sólo requiere un recubrimiento asfáltico y una adecuación, porque “los cimentos y la resistencia de la pista están”, además se trata de una pista que resiste 196,000 libras de peso, que es lo que requieren algunos de los aviones de COPA. En cuanto al accesibilidad, habría que hacer un túnel o una carretera que le diera la vuelta al Aeropuerto, pero los demás elementos a considerar están a favor de la economía del país.
lunes, 19 de julio de 2010
"The Hard Rock brand continues to expand to locations that offer key attractions including climate, beaches and natural beauty," said Hamish Dodds, president and CEO, Hard Rock International. "We feel this ideal Latin America location will be of interest to our growing clientele, and foresee this as a strategic business adventure reflective of Panama's developing tourism sector."
Hard Rock Hotel Panama will offer 445 luxurious guestrooms that range in size from 530 square feet, to 1,910 square foot 'rock-star suites' -- a signature trademark of the Hard Rock brand.
"We are excited to bring the Hard Rock Hotel experience to these pristine Pacific beaches," says Wayne Bryan, CEO of Lagomar Resort, S.A. "It's the right place to invest, with perfect weather and a forward-thinking government. Additionally, Hard Rock's blend of luxury and lifestyle provide an unparalleled visitor experience."
The surrounding natural landscape, including miles of sparkling white sand beaches, towering palms, and flowering plants indigenous to Latin America will undoubtedly serve as a complimentary backdrop for the hotel property and its amenities.
Several food and beverage outlets are planned for the resort, which will include a lobby bar/lounge and three unique restaurants inside the hotel. A luxury health spa will be open for guests, offering incomparable spa treatments exclusive to Hard Rock for visitors to unwind. Additionally, a business and conference center will be available, providing 25,000 square feet to accommodate large meetings. A smaller ballroom will also be on-site for more private, intimate affairs.
"The Seminole Tribe of Florida and Seminole Hard Rock Entertainment, are very proud to announce the first Hard Rock Hotel in Central America," says Jim Allen, Chairman of Seminole Hard Rock Entertainment. "Panama, known as 'the Bridge of the World,' will continue Hard Rock's ongoing commitment for international expansion in interesting and strategic locations."
Currently experiencing a real estate boom, properties in Panama are rapidly increasing in price and turning the country into a seemingly excellent destination for investments. Spectacular wildlife, scenic clouds forests, and beautiful beaches provide a wealth of options for travelers interested in water sports and leisure, or relaxation.
About Hard Rock International | With 121 high-energy Hard Rock Cafes and nine Hotels/Casinos in 47 countries, Hard Rock International is one of the world's most globally recognized brands. Beginning with an Eric Clapton guitar, Hard Rock owns the world's greatest collection of music memorabilia, which is displayed at its locations around the globe. Hard Rock is also known for its collectible fashion and music-related merchandise, Hard Rock Live performance venues and an award-winning website. In addition to the two flagship Seminole Hard Rock Hotels and Casinos in Tampa and Hollywood, Fla., Hard Rock Hotels/Casinos are located in Las Vegas, Biloxi, Orlando, Chicago, San Diego, Pattaya and Bali. Additional hotel and casino projects have been announced in Macau and Penang, both scheduled to open in 2009; Palm Springs and Atlanta, both scheduled to open in 2010; and Dubai, scheduled to open in 2011. Hard Rock International, Inc. is owned by Seminole Hard Rock Entertainment, Inc. For more information on Hard Rock, visit
About Lagomar Resorts, S.A. | From the rain forests of Costa Rica to the desert oasis of Las Vegas, the Lagomar team brings a wealth of experience in envisioning and building world-class lifestyle destinations. Lagomar resorts boast everything from trend-setting design and environmentally-friendly construction to innovative financing in an effort to create a rewarding experience for everyone from guests to investors. For the past two years the team has been focused exclusively on the Panama project, covering thousands of miles of coastline to find the ideal place for a luxury resort destination. Together with the Hard Rock Hotel, Lagomar Resorts are committed to bringing an unequalled, ecologically conscious vacation experience to visitors from around the world. For more information on Lagomar visit

Bien…ahora que has visto lo que ofrecen otros países que se han tornado altamente competitivos, que has comparado sus pistas de aterrizaje y los lugares donde estan operando... que has visto las imágenes satelitales de la pistade Río Hato... que has ledido parte de su historia... te hacemos las siguientes preguntas…
1) ¿Por qué no hacer el aeropuerto en Río Hato si ya existe parte de la infraestructura y se tiene acceso por aire, mar y tierra?
2) ¿Por qué no escoger Río Hato si está muy próximo a los mejores proyectos de playa y residenciales en Coclé, Capira, Chame y San Carlos?
3) ¿Quiénes estarán interesados en que el aeropuerto no se desarrolle y por qué?
4) ¿Cuánta información se te ha brindado sobre el tema?
5) ¿Quién ha encuestado a los turistas sobre su parecer? Después de todo son el sujeto y objeto de un aeropuerto en provincias centrales.
6) ¿Qué opinan los operadores de vuelos charter? ¿Se los ha tomado en cuenta?
7) ¿Cómo le haremos para competir a largo plazo en un mercado tan volátil y cambiante como el del turismo, si no creamos las comodidades necesarias en el área?
8) ¿Qué te han contado tus autoridades locales? ¿Conoces su opinión?
9) ¿Se te ha dicho como puedes contribuir a que el aeropuerto sea una realidad?
10) ¿Qué piensas tú sobre todo lo que acá has visto y leído?
11) ¿Cómo le harías saber al Sr. Presidente tu punto de vista?
12) ¿Crees que esto merece más y mejor divulgación?
Definitivamente y como Riohateños que somos…creemos que Río Hato en el distrito de Antón es la mejor opción y la decisión donde edificar no debe ser por ningún motivo tomada a la ligera... esto es cuestión de todos.